The witcher 3 ghost mode
The witcher 3 ghost mode

- Changed Preservation code a little bit, should potentially fix the instances where it.available) now properly activates only when 3 AP are available and not just 1 AP.- Tier 3 Blizzard ability (don't spend stamina if slo-mo is active and 3 adrenaline points are.- Fixed a bug that made explosive bolts deal damage to the same target up to three times (and.- Crossbow: fixed vanilla issue with the last bolt in stack not being processed active as well as a bug with toxicity visuals being removed after fast travel.- Fixed vanilla bug with toxicity effects on player's face not being properly updated when Quen.- Fixed an issue with countering multiple enemies simultaneously where only the first counter.or if you didn't follow the repel move with an actual attack.- Fixed vanilla bug with recently countered flag never being reset if your counterattack missed.- Fixed vanilla bug with NPC becoming invulnerable after dropping a shield.- Fixed an issue where DoT damage on an NPC was resetting counterattack flag prematurely.- Added LD > 0 check to progressive levelups formula (a precaution against those who like experimenting :P).- Fixed a bug with Iris when the fourth attack was charging and immediately discharging the sword if it was a heavy attack.- Repel type changed to sidestep slash when countering the tournament knights (they ignore counterattack stagger effect, so human counters look weird on them).- Fixed a bug with Deadly Counter mutation causing CTD if used during the tournament quest.- Added missing knockdown and heavy knockdown immunities to tournament champion Gregoire (he's missing corresponding animations).- Fixed a bug with choking and drowning effects dealing no damage to the player.- Fixed a typo in English Whirl description: consumes Stamina *per second*.- Fixed oils stuck on swords after using cleardevelop console command.- Fixed vanilla issue with some of the relic sword schematics having witcher set color.- Fixed vanilla issue with sign casting not being properly aborted when the player gets caught into a spider web.

the witcher 3 ghost mode the witcher 3 ghost mode

- Fixed vanilla issue with skill bonuses not being calculated properly for certain skills when swapping already equipped skills in a certain order.- Fixed vanilla issue with pops antidote potion not playing the appropriate sound when consumed.- Fixed vanilla issue with pheromone potions not playing the appropriate sound when consumed.- Fixed vanilla bug with oil charges being reduced when performing a finisher even at level 3 of Fixative skill.- Fixed vanilla bug with NPC projectiles ignoring certain solid obstacles like trees (credits to Reaper).- Fixed vanilla bug with sorceress hand fx remaining active after combat (all credits to Flash and MrWheyne).

The witcher 3 ghost mode